A. Pull-up strength
B. IYT drills with bands or plates.
C. Run 1 mile for time. Warm it up well and go for it.
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A. Pull-up strength
B. IYT drills with bands or plates.
C. Run 1 mile for time. Warm it up well and go for it.
Post results to comments.
Great work out today like they always are. It’s always interesting to see how hard you can actually push yourself. Can’t wait for the next class.
Good job to everyone on yesterday’s workout!
A: I used the 2 thicker red bands for the 10X2 every 45 sec. Ill be honest these were really tough today and I felt like puking by the last 3 sets
B: I used the 5# weights to do these drills. I can always feel them the next day
C: 10:01- this was hard and I am surprised i did alright. The heat is deadly out today !
WOW!!! The white board from yesterday looks awesome – way to move some serious weight people!!
Really enjoyed todays workout too!
A. Used both thick and skinny red bands for first 2 reps of pu’s, then just the thick red one for the rest of the pull ups. Felt good.
B. Used the elastic ropes – these exercises are rough for me, but i love what they are doing to help my upper body strength!
C. Did 2K Row instead – 8:52 – was happy with it!
It’s great to see so many names on that board! Love it that more people are coming to CF!
Great workout.
A. I struggle with the pull-ups being maybe a little too easy, so I take a band away, but then struggle so much with that second rep.
B. did IYTs with the rings and 2 5# plates. I like doing this exercise…it is so hard sometimes!
C. 9:39 for 1 mile. I haven’t run all summer because of the heat. I enjoyed this run.
Did this one at home today…just couldn’t pass up testing my mile
A) did 3x 5 wide grip, 5 regular grip, 5 close grip strict pull-ups. Shoulders were a little smokey after that
B) 15#’s started to get some good activation on the Y’s in my mid back…reminded me of Sott’s presses
C) 5:42 an 8 second PR. Given heat and breeze I’m very happy with that.
A. 10 x 2 using the blue plus thin red band, which was a first for me…exciting!
B. Done. Not my favourite thing, and in fact I often give them a miss in my usual rotation of pull-up assistance work, so glad Colin programs them from time to time :).
C. Holy freaking cow. 9:01, which is a 41 second PR. I am so happy with this, especially given that today’s running conditions were somewhat less than ideal. Was not expecting a PR today at all. Extra sweet. I think August has been my best month of CrossFit ever. So many PR’s. Thanks CrossFit Steinbach!!!!
A. Used a total of 60 lbs in KBs for the pull-ups, then 70 for the three final sets.
C. 6:16 for the run. I just checked my notes, and the last time I ran 1600 m, I did it in 5:44. I distinctly remember that run, and I know I pushed really hard on that one, which I didn’t do so much today.
A) 10×2, no band for the first 3 sets then the skinny red band for 4 sets and then the skinny blue band for the last 3.
B) 8:18. I have no previous number to compare to.