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A. Overhead squat – 5×3 at a challenging weight. If you have a max, aim for ~80%.

B. For time:

50 double-unders (2x singles)

21-15-9 of:

Bodyweight deadlift (or 50% of your max, whichever is LESS)

Wall balls

Then: 100 double-unders.

Compare to Jan 13 2016, May 2 2016, July 30 2016.

C. 4 max effort sets of tuck or hollow rocks. If you’re not doing these at home one or two additional times each week, consider this to be your homework. I get it. Basic abdominal work is boring. But if you don’t get through the basics, you simply will not be able to do the more advanced movements. Put in the work, and you will be rewarded. Top athletes know that training is not always glamorous, and sometimes you just have buckle down and do the routine stuff.