A. Work up to a heavy set of 2 in the low hang snatch (1 inch off the floor).
B. Two rounds for time:
10 KB snatches/arm
20 KB overhead lunges (10 per arm)
20 KB walking lunges (10 per side) – use the same KB.
60 double-unders.
If you haven’t heard already, our friends at Shop Gym/CrossFit Niverville are having their grand opening this Saturday Sept 14 at 4 pm. They’ve actually been open for a while now, but they just became an official CrossFit affiliate, so hence the excuse to party grand opening. It’s at Hespeler Park, which is at the southwest corner of the metropolis of Niverville. If you’re planning on going, give Brandy an e-mail at brandy(at)crossfitniverville.com. If you’re on Facebook, check out the event post here.