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Schedule reminder – The gym is closed tomorrow (Nov 11) except for a team workout at 2 pm. Part of the workout will be outside, so bring appropriate clothes for that.

A. Snatch – Work up to a heavy set of 2 from the high hang position.

B. Snatch deadlift – 3×2 @ 110% (or more if possible) of 1 RM snatch.

C. This one is a variation on the Prairie CF competition workout #4:

For time:

100 double-unders

30 box step/jump-overs (16″/20″)

30 DB snatches (alternate hands every 5 reps) (25/45 lbs — scale up or down as needed)

30 wallballs

30 DB snatches (as above)

30 box step/jump-overs.

(For the box, you just need to get over the box. How you do that isn’t important.)