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***FrostFit advance registration – We have four team slots reserved for teams from CF Steinbach (Men Rx, Women Rx, Men Non-Rx, Women Non-Rx). The deadline for advanced registration is 4 pm Nov 19, so let me know ASAP if you are interested in competing.***

The Olympic weightlifting class will be starting back up tomorrow, Nov 18 at the usual 7 pm time slot.

A. Handstand practice – Some things to work on: wall walks, heel pulls, freestanding kick-ups (against wall, but try to stop just short), and the CF Gymnastics “wheel of pain” (Start in pike position with feet on a box and torso as vertical as possible, and now shuffle your hands and pivot around the box, maintaining the pike position. One rep is a full revolution in each direction.)

B. 3 rounds for time (on the row) and reps (push-ups):

Row 500 m

Max effort push-ups.

C. 3-5 sets of max effort hollow (scale to tuck) and arch holds.

IMG_2666 <– Group photo from the indoor climbing adventure this past Saturday. Nobody actually got kicked in the head, despite what the photo may suggest! Congrats to the first-timers in the group who stepped outside their comfort zone. We will have to do this again sometime.