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To follow up on the last week of the Open, at Robin’s suggestion, this week will be a series of testing events. Have fun with them, and we’ll be back into regular programming next week.

A. Take 15 minutes to find max snatch.

B. Take 15 minutes to find max clean and jerk. Your score is the sum of your heaviest weights in the snatch and C&J.

If you are new, we will keep the focus on technique.

C. For time:

Baseline – Row 500 m, 40 squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 10 pull-ups (or ring rows).

Compare to Dec 1 2014, May 20 2014, Jan 8 2014, Aug 8 2013 (and whenever you completed your On Ramp Baselines).

Post results to comments.

**Just a heads up regarding the Easter weekend hours – we are closed Friday except for a team workout from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. Saturday and Monday hours are as usual.