I know not everyone is on Facebook, so I thought I’d post a link here as well. We’ve added some more people to our Who’s Who page, so check it out to learn a bit more about some of our members. If you’d like to fill out a questionnaire as well, get in touch with Robin (robin (at) crossfitsteinbach.com), or talk to her in class.
A. Back squat – 4×6 – Last week was at approx. 80%, so aim for 83% this week.
B. 6 minute AMRAP of:
12 goblet squats (ideally 35/55 lbs, but scale as needed)
12 crossovers + 12 double-unders
Rest 90 seconds
6 minute AMRAP of:
KB clean and jerk (35/55 lbs, or scale as needed). Switch hands as needed.