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**Just a heads up regarding the upcoming HercFit Olympic weightlifting competition this coming Sunday (Dec 13). Five people from our gym (past or present) are competing – Annick, Lisa, Colleen, Alex, and Kristie. If you’d like to go and cheer them on, I’m sure they will appreciate the support!  We are still waiting for confirmation of when the competition is on Sunday, but we’ll keep you posted.**

A. Snatch balance – Work up to a moderately heavy double.

B. Snatch – 2×2@75-80%, 4×1@85%+. Let technique be your guide, and do not increase your weight if technique isn’t there.

C. 20 DB (wo)manmakers for time. Compare to April 27 2015, Sept 9 2014, Mar 11 2014, Nov 20 2013, or Jul 15 2013.