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Today is a busy day at the gym!

  • Wildfire Farms will be by the gym from 10:00-10:15 am to deliver meat orders.
  • Olympic Weightlifting mock meet 1:15-3:15
  • Potluck at 5 pm

A. Turkish get-up – Work up to a heavy single rep on each arm. The weight must be done with each arm for it to count.

B. For time:

21-15-9 of:

Russian KB swings (heavy)

Pull-ups (modify as needed).

Compare to: Nov 4 2015, April 22 2015, Feb 20 2015 (total coincidence, I swear), Nov 16 2013, April 8 2013.

C. With a partner: 3 sets of 15-20 (each) med ball passes in plank position.