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**For the Open competitors – I have put the two scheduled workout times (Friday 10:30 am and Saturday 9 am) into the Zen Planner website, so you can sign up for those time slots. However, it looks like the new Zen Planner phone apps won’t show “events” (as opposed to classes). BUT, if you go back to the older Zen Planner website link (you can access it at the bottom of any page on our website), that does appear to work. If you use a computer, you are good to go as well.

If you can’t make it to either of those time slots (some of you have already contacted me), let us know when you are able to complete the workout.**
If you have already done the Open workout and the thought of more lunges makes you queasy, we will have an alternate movement for you.

A. Pull-up strength:

3xME strict pull-ups or ring rows with 2 second pause at top

3xME chin-over-bar holds ( in supinated/chin-up/underhand grip)

B. 5 rounds for time:

5 weighted lunges/leg (2 heavy DBs or KBs)

25 double-unders + 10 cross-overs

1 lap bear crawl

1 lap crab walk.

Compare to June 11 2015.