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A. Pull-up strength

  • 3×5 weighted pull-ups (as heavy as possible for this rep scheme) (substitute 3 negatives, if you’re not able to do weighted pull-ups). Increase weight from last week if possible, or add a rep or two per set.
  • Chin-ups – 3 max effort sets with a 5 second hold at the top, and 5 seconds at 90 degrees on the way down
  • 2 max effort sets of an easy ring row variation

B. “Christine”

3 rounds for time:

Row 500 m

12 bodyweight deadlifts (or 50% of your 1 RM deadlift, whichever is less)

21 box jumps (24″/20″).

Compare to Sept 19 2015, July 11 2015, July 9 2014, or July 10 2013.