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A. Snatch – 6 x 1 @ 80%+. You may increase your weight across the sets if your technique is good, but we aren’t aiming for a max today. If you are new, keep the weights lighter. Focus on speed through the middle, and a good bar path.

B. For time:

Row 3 km OR 10 minutes on the Airdyne for max calories.

Have a pace in mind for this when you start. If you’ve done a 2000 m or 1000 m, your pace will be a bit slower than those distances, but not a LOT slower. Aim to keep a fairly consistent pace for the 3 km.

Compare to July 14 2016, Jan 28 2016, Sept 26 2015, Sept 16 2014.

If time and space permit, and you want an additional challenge, you have the option of doing a 5 km row instead.

(On the off chance that we have more than 8 people in a class (6 on the rowers and 2 on the bikes), you may practice your handstands while you’re waiting.)