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A. Parallette work:

  • Practice your tuck or L-sit supports and rocks.
  • 4 max effort sets of 1 1/2 push-ups (on floor or low parallettes)
  • Alternate your sets of push-ups with sets of ring row muscle-ups OR false grip ring rows.

B. In groups of 3:

5 minute AMRAP of sled push (1 length each, all out effort). Use the dog sleds if possible, but if the classes are large, pulling the smaller sleds will work too.

4 minute AMRAP of farmer’s carry (1 length each, 2 DBs or KBs). You will have to choose a weight that everyone on your team can use (if at all possible).

3 minute AMRAP of suitcase carry (1 length each, 1 KB or DB).