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A. Handstand/upside down practice:

  • Cartwheel practice – 2 minutes. A cartwheel is a safe way to exit from a handstand, so this is why we are practicing them.
  • Wall walks – 3 reps
  • Freestanding HS practice with a partner. The idea is the same as last week with the toe touches, but this time, kick up away from the wall with a partner to spot you. Your partner will hold one arm behind your calves, and one arm in front of your shins. The goal is to rebalance between the two barriers, using the support only if necessary. Scale to the toe touches from last week if you’re not quite ready for this yet.
  • 3 max effort handstand holds (back to wall).

B. 3 rounds, with a partner:

1 lap sled pull (outdoors, facing away from sled) / max push-ups

Switch roles

1 lap sled pull (facing sled) / max KB swings (53/35)

Switch roles.

C. 4 max effort sets of tuck or hollow rocks.