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A. 4 rounds of max effort bent arm hangs (aka chin-over-bar holds) OR scale up to 2-5 pegboard ascents – The bar hangs will be done with a partner, who will do one of two things, depending on how strong your pull-ups are. If you can hold your chin over the bar for 10+ seconds, your partner will gently tug on your feet (picture this as if they were trying to get your attention) and release. The idea is briefly overload the pulling muscles so that you are forced to pull harder to maintain your position. If you have difficult holding your chin over the bar for 10+ seconds, your partner will briefly unload you by lifting up on your feet, and then release the assistance. In this case, when your partner lets go, this is the overloading part of the exercise. Continue this until you cannot maintain your chin-over-bar position, and then switch roles.

B. Bat wings – 3×5 (heavy) with a 5 second hold at the top of each rep. Retract those shoulder blades! Alternate your sets with some thoracic bridge practice. If you  are proficient with the bridge, try hip taps (alternate taking one hand off the ground and touching your hip with your hand).

C. Alternating with a partner:

5 laps each sled push (or sled pull if there aren’t enough dog sleds to go around – or start on your farmer’s carries first)


5 laps each heavy farmer’s carry (2 KBs or DBs).

Sled weights should be such that you can keep the sled moving for the entire lap (probably 1/2 to 3/4 bwt for men, 1/3 to 1/2 bwt for women). Try to move quickly on the farmer’s carry as well.