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A. Handstand practice:

  • Frog jump practice – This is leading into the next step, so take a few minutes to work on this. See video here. If you’re reading this on SugarWOD, check out the workout blog on our website for the link.
  • Frog jump into handstand – Some good cues here are to push your chest through (open your shoulders), and to think about getting your hips close to the wall. Also practice just holding your handstand with a bent knee position. Practice your freestanding balance in this position if you are able – you will note that the rebalancing process  feels different here than in an extended body position.
  • 3-5 wall walks or wall runs (wall runs – the gymnastic term for what we’ve previously referred to as shoulder touches). Do these facing the wall, in a good handstand position.
  • 4 max effort handstand holds (back to the wall).

B. 5 rounds for time of:

25 Russian KB swings (70/44)

8 overhead single-arm KB/DB lunges per leg (53/35 lbs would be Rx).

C. Alternating for 3 max effort sets of:

  • easy body rows
  • hollow (sub tuck hold) holds.