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A. Handstand practice:

  • 2 laps slow bear crawl with active shoulders – Try to get your hips as much above your shoulders as you can.
  • 5-10 kick-ups, focusing on gently touching the wall (or better yet, not at all)
  • Every 45 seconds for 10 rounds, do a slow HSPU negative to an abmat (or two). Scale to the piked position if needed. Go for control here. If you’re not controlling the bottom part of the movement, go to a higher target (i.e. 2 abmats), or switch to piked push-ups. Advanced athletes may try deficit negatives.
  • EMOM for 8 rounds: 10-30 second handstand hold, resting for the remainder of the minute.

B. 10 to 1 of:

DB snatches (alternate arms)

Overhead DB lunges

After each round, run 1 lap on the turf.

C. 4 max effort sets of stir-the-pot on an exercise ball.