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Come and visit us (or volunteer!) at our obstacle course for kids at the Summer in the City festival this weekend! We will be in the Kids in the City section, on Main Street near Shopper’s Drug Mart. A. For 6 work sets, increasing weight across the sets if your...


Come and visit us (or volunteer!) at our obstacle course for kids at the Summer in the City festival this weekend! We will be in the Kids in the City section, on Main Street near Shopper’s Drug Mart. — Skill work of your choice (or your coach’s choice),...


A. Pulling strength and technique: 10 minutes of rope climb practice and/or pegboard practice. Partial rope climbs, pulls from the floor, and footwork practice are all fair game if you’re not able to do a full rope climb yet. 2 max effort sets of L pull-ups (on...


A. Close-grip bench press – 4×10, increasing weight 3-5% from last week. You should be up around 70% of your max bench press by now. B. 4 rounds for time of: 8 deadlifts at 55% 16 pull-ups 24 box step-ups (these may be weighted with DBs/KBs for more advanced...


A. Tempo front squats – 5×3 @ 70-73%, with a 32X1 tempo. Increase weight from last week. B. This is a drill from physiotherapist Gray Cook. For 10 minutes, your goal is to move continuously (video demo). It’s not for reps, and it’s not for load. Pick a medium weight....


A. For 6 work sets, increasing weight across the sets if your technique is solid: 1 hang snatch + 2 snatches. B. With a partner, for time, for 3 rounds: Run 400 m / Row 500 m Switch roles. This may be a bit of a pacing exercise, depending on what you and your partner...