We have a website redesign going up shortly, so stay tuned! If for some reason we run into glitches, the workout will be posted again on our Facebook page. Feel free to beat the new website, poke around, and tell us if there any issues that you find.
A. 5×3 pause front squats (pause 3 sec at bottom), rest 90 s.
B. 20 toes to bar, 20 DB thrusters, 100 Dus, 20 DB thrusters, 20 toes to bar
Uh oh, here’s another workout sent to me. I think this is the one we’ll get. I see lots of squats, but no burpees.
Colleen Buhler Sent from my iPad
hahaha colleen!! PHEW!!!!!
A) 200# …i ended up counting fast on these so my 3 seconds looked more like 1.5 to 2
B) used 45# db for the thrusters everything else was rx’d….all i’ll say about it was that i had my buttock handed to me…8:14 i think.
A. Started at 185# for the front squats, but it was a bit ambitious and I dropped back to 175#.
B. I don’t recall my time, but I think it was in the 7-8 minute range. 40# for the dumbbells. T2B were actually the best part of this workout.