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CFS WOD Photo-1


A. Front squat –

5×1@70% every 30s, rest 2 min;

4×1@75% every 45s, rest 3 min;

3×1@80@ every 60s

B. 4 rounds of:

3 deadlifts (roughly 70-75% of 1 RM)

9 jump squats (may add weight and/or reps for more advanced athletes, but still ensure the movement remains explosive)

12 DB push press

Rest 2 min


***For those of you who want access the workouts from your mobile device, try going directly to the workout page (https://crossfitsteinbach.com/workouts/) rather than the home page.  You’ll at least be able to see that part of the site. I’m working on getting the site made more mobile-friendly.

**Also, we are adding Mon/Wed noon classes, starting tomorrow. **