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CFS Outside-8

<– Doug on the run, with his DL socks. He’d better wear them today.

A. Do some tall clean technique, then work up to heavy single clean and jerk.

B. For time, 21-15-9 of:

Deadlifts @ 50-60%

Ring pushups

Part B is meant to be fast and hard. Scale accordingly.


***If you are looking for some excellent quality grass fed beef, our friends from Wildfire Farms are going to be making a delivery run by CrossFit Steinbach on Wed May 22 (in two weeks), likely around 7 pm. Check out their website if you are interested, and put in your order. They will come by the gym and you can pick up the meat from them there.

We’ve gotten some beef and pork from them in the past, and it’s good stuff. Why is grass fed beef better for you? Here’s a pretty good explanation. Support your local farmers, and get some great food in the process.