Just a reminder that the people from Wildfire Farms are delivering meat orders in the CrossFit Steinbach parking lot TODAY (May 22) at 7-7:15 pm. If you’ve placed an order, please plan to be here at that time to pick up and pay for your items.
A1. Work up to a heavy double clean, then:
A2. 3×2 clean pulls (these can and should be heavier than your cleans).
B. 12 min AMRAP:
30 double-unders
20 pistols
15 toes to bar.
C. 3xME tuck hold on rings, 3×10 GH raises. Rest as needed.
A. 55#, then 65#
B. 4+20, DU scaled to 20, pistols on the bench, and knees up not T2B…someday!!!
C. tucks on the box, 30sec., 20, 20 – so rough!!!!
thanks for the great workout!!!