A. 3×3 pause front squats – 5-10 lbs heavier than last week.
B. 4 rounds for time:
8 deadlifts @ 60-70% of 1 RM (May 18)
16 shoulder touches
24 jump squats
If for some reason you haven’t written down a PR that’s on this board, please do so… because, well, you are keeping track of your workouts, right? You should keep track of your PRs as well, because sometimes we base workouts on percentages of your PRs.
If you’re thinking, “I’m new here. What’s a PR?”, it means Personal Record. It’s a more generic term for 1 rep max, 3 rep max, etc., or times/rep scores on workouts. If you set a PR, it means you are just a little bit more awesome at something than you were in the past, and that’s what we are looking for.
A) 75# – Haven’t done front squats for quite some time.
B) 7:58 – Used 115# for the DL, shoulder touches from the wall (just not fully vertical yet).
Pretty tired legs after this WOD.
A) 150#x2 then 145# for last set.
B) 6:16, 145#DL, got them all unbroken. Maybe should have done 150#. Shoulder touches better than last week.
A. I’m starting to dislike doing these front squats, which likely just means they are getting appropriately heavy. I did one set at 205, then dropped back to 200, which is up 5 lbs from last week. I probably should have sucked it up and stuck with 205.
B. 6:26, I think. I used 235 for the DLs, which was heavy but not so heavy that I had to break up the sets.