A. Deadlift – 5×2 @70% every minute on the minute (EMOTM)
B. With a partner, for time:
10 overhead squats, then one length of the parking lot (there and back) holding barbell overhead.
Partner sled push/pull, one length (there and back) of the parking lot.
10 overhead squats, then one length of the parking lot (there and back) holding barbell overhead.
20 tire flips with partner
Partner barbell carry, two lengths of the parking lot, i.e. both barbells used the team must be carried at the same time in some fashion.
Notes: OH squat weight should be roughly 50% of your 1 RM. I’d say Rx’ed weight should be at least 95/65 for men/women, but that can be scaled accordingly.
If there is a larger group, we will start one group on the tire and one on the sled, and/or run heats. Yes, we need more sleds. Soon…
Partner sled push/pull — this will be HEAVY. One partner will push on the handles and the other will pull with straps. This is inspired by one of the events at the CrossFit Games, which are going on right now. (CrossFit Games link)
A) 255. Good practice at moving the bar quickly
B) teamed up with Colin, 95# on the bar for OH squat bb walks. 360# on the sled which was a heavy, but manageable weight. 8:29 total time. I’m pretty sure This WOD took more time to set-up and take down than to do.