A. Front squat – 5×3 at working weight. The weight here will less than your 3 rep max, but go as heavy as you can.
B. This one is loosely based on the CF workout “Cindy”, which is a 20 min AMRAP of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats.
We will be doing two 5 min AMRAPs with some running after each one.
5 min AMRAP of: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats
Run 800 m
5 min AMRAP of: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats
Run 400 m.
A) Rear box squats at 95 lbs
B) Banded pull-ups, push ups on a box, 44 lb KB swings instead of squats. Skipping instead of running. This was a hard, but good, workout! I can’t imagine how smoked my arms/shoulders would have been if we had done the full 20 min “Cindy”!
A. Box squat 85#
B. Banded pull ups, 2 red bands = thin and thick. Hand release pushups – super hard, and brutal form, i know…and 35# RKB swings, as well skipping instead of running. I had a great time this morning with the 9am ladies, really really like that time!
C. 3×25 GHD work
A) 155#. did lots of voodoo banding beforehand which seemed to really help my knee wobble.
B) 16:59 but I totally lost track of how many rounds I did. Rx’d.
C) 300 hip extension challenge – 100 done for this week so far.
A. 195 for three sets, then bumped it up to 205. Position wasn’t too bad, which maybe means I could have slightly heavier.
B. 15:29? Jay and I were pretty much neck and neck for this whole workout. For the first AMRAP I got 6 rounds even, and 4+13ish on the second. We decided to do the pull-ups strict, which was a bit more taxing, but likely not much slower, if at all. All pull-up sets were unbroken, which I was happy about. It was a good long-ish lung burner today.