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A1. Back squat – 5 reps each at 60 and 70%, and 2×5@75%.

A2. Front squat – 5 reps each 65, 70, 75%.

B. 3 rounds, for time:

3 lengths (1.5 laps) sled pull (facing forward)

3  lengths (1.5 laps) sled pull (facing backwards, with the row)

2 laps of overhead walking lunges with a plate (45/25 pounds).

The weight on the sled should be such that you can pretty much keep moving continuously. This may well be less than you had on the sled a few weeks back. If you’re hiding behind your couch because you read the word “sled”, it’s okay. You can come out now.

Here are the results of the skills competition yesterday. I haven’t tallied up the highest scores in each event, but we did have some impressive results, with even a few PRs sprinkled in there. Sorry about the reflection of the lights.

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