A. 3-position snatch – Increase to working weight, then do two more sets at that weight.
B. Snatch work followed by… you guessed it. Sots press. 3 max effort sets.
C. For time, 21-15-9 of:
Weighted lunges (per leg)
Strict toes-to-bar
Ring push-ups.
Scale movements as required.
A. Used 70#. Didn’t check how this compares to previous efforts, but feeling more solid. I’m sure my technique has improved dramatically. One of these days the weight will increase.
B. 3 x 10 with the 15# bar. Amazingly, I didn’t need the 2 x 4 under my heels today. They were not solidly on the floor, but they weren’t too bad either.
C. 10:11 using 35# DB, strict knee raises and chest-to-deck push-ups. The conditioning aspect of this one was a killer. I couldn’t get enough oxygen all the way through.
A) 115, the movement felt better than it has in a long time
B) used 45 and played with hand position each round going from wide to narrow grip. Interesting to get a sense of what my shoulders were trying to do in each position
C) 11:15 RX’d with 60’s. Tough workout to find the right rhythm and pace…i have a feeling my glutes will feel this one tomorrow.
A) worked up to 90# successfully. tried 95# but couldn’t manage it. Got the high hang and hang but had no power left for the snatch from the floor.
B) 35# fiddled with snatch grip vs press grip. I find the pres grip stronger on the way up but less control on the way down.
C) 16:18 with 40#