A. Back squat – 1×10@60%, 1×8@65%, 1×6@70%, 1×6@75%, 1×6@80%.
B. For time — “Baseline”
Row 500 m
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups or ring rows.
Compare to 08/08/2013, or whenever you did the workout in your intro sessions.
A. Back squat – 1×10@60%, 1×8@65%, 1×6@70%, 1×6@75%, 1×6@80%.
B. For time — “Baseline”
Row 500 m
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups or ring rows.
Compare to 08/08/2013, or whenever you did the workout in your intro sessions.
Oh man!! Got butterflies for tomorrow, been a year since I did baseline….
You have to love Testing Day! This workout is always fun to see how far you’ve come either in time, degree of difficulty, movement, or my favorite how long after before I feel normal again.
Maybe a bit of a love/hate relationship?!? Heheh, I was really scared I’d be disappointed…but ended up thrilled!! Last baseline was 6:39, and I got 5:20 today!! Whoop, whoop!!! My push-up height was lower than a year ago….progress!
Great job today everybody!!
Nice work Esther, that is a huge change.
Butterflies for nothing Esther. You where amazing this morning!!
A) Done with 1 RM at 195#
B) Shaved 93 seconds off my baseline. YAY! I also think that it may take a few days till I feel ‘normal’ again.
I figured I’d be a bit slower today because I was going to do my push ups off the floor rather than off a box like I did almost a year ago. I was slower by 1 second! I’m a bit disappointed with that because 1 second could have easily been shaved off someplace! Oh well, I’m happy that I did the push ups off the floor (even though my form isn’t all that great yet).
A) final lift weight was 230, was feeling good throughout but was glad this was over
B) 3:52, missed my PR by a few seconds…something to aim for next time.
A) 135#, 145#, 160#, 170#, 180#
B) 5:08,Rx. A 4sec PR. Very happy with that.