A. Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy single clean and jerk, then do 2×2 drop sets at a lighter weight.
B. Not for time:
5 to 1 (i.e. 5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1) of:
Rope climbs/pulls from the floor
Wall walks, then:
75 boat rockers.
Some people have been asking about the schedule for the FrostFit events. Here is a tentative schedule.
A) 145#. 155# is so close. Back to working on hang cleans to work on that hip speed
B) hand burn. 2 exercises I’m not great at.
C) 20+15+11+14+15
I set a PR today, and not in the clean & jerk (worked up to 160 lbs – not maximal, but I was happy with how my shoulders felt). I did 40 consecutive hollow rocks/boat rockers. Rope climbs and wall walks — completed. I alternated the rope on the left and right sides, as I typically keep the rope on the right only. The left side needs some work.