Skill work of your choice, plus a conditioning workout from earlier this week OR an entire workout from earlier this week.
Here’s some inspiration for our February squat challenge. Check out this video and, uh, get down. I came across the video here.
I did Thursday’s workout.
A. Worked up to a 5 RM of 85lbs. Could only squat to parallel due to my hip.
B. I used a 45lb sled and did it in 17:12 and I was able to do a few ring push-ups.
C. We did a bonus here of tabata sit-ups. I did 73.
This was a really fun workout with all of the girls today!!!
I did Thursday’s WOD as well.
A. Worked up to 125# for 5RM which is a PR!!!
B. Dropped to 65#
C. I used 45# on sled… should have gone heaps heavier and push ups on the bar/box and did it in 10:10. Was heaps fun!
D. Tabata sit-ups- I did 66.
This week was so fun! So many PR’s!!
Thursdays workout
A) worked up to 85# for my front squat.
B). 40# for front squats with pauses
C). 12:35; 45# on the sled! push ups off the floor; leg raises
D). 81 Tabata sit-ups
Lots of fun with 6 of us in the 9 am class.
I did Thursdays workout as well!
A. 5RM Front Squat- 130#- PR by 10lbs!
B. 3×5 pause front squats @ 65#’s
C. Time 17:54
70# sled
Ring Push-ups 🙂
Toes to Bar (with swing)