A. Push press – Work up to a heavy single, then do 3×3 at 70% of that weight with a 3-5 second negative on each rep.
B. 9 min AMRAP of the following ladder:
2 Russian KB swings
1 hand-release push-up
4 Russian KB swings
2 hand-release push-ups
I compiled a custom leaderboard for CrossFit Steinbach here: https://games.crossfit.com/lboards/result?id=389718. Awesome work everyone!
A185 the 155 x 3 thought I could go heavier but the touched the bar against the ceiling in my basement…time for a new house
B) finished the round of 24/12 plus 12 more swings. Nice little burner that has my forearms a little tight.
A: it’s not often that I can say this but I got a pr! 130# tried for 135 twice didn’t happen. It’s funny how adding the push to your press increase the weight so much ( my press is 90#) … our bodies are amazing things!
B: can’t remember. It was nice not to have to modify a work out for once!
Jay- you missed the “sexy 80s pool party” music I picked out today maybe it will revisit us tomorrow at 4 😀
Giggle… @ sexy pool party music!!! I might have to come for 4!!
Oooh it’s been weeks since that one came out…we can only have so much sexy.
A. Got a 5# PR today, 85#. Tried for heavier and just couldn’t do it, but grateful none the less!
B. 22+2pu’s, this one was a gooder! I used the 44# KB.
Gotta say I sure am grateful for our little box, and all the peeps!!!
A. Only got 135#, 10# short of my best and I think I’ve PP’d 135 for 3 before. Gotta get some energy and strength back soon.
B. Got to 22 KBS using 60# Kb. Kinda fun :).
A) 135# was easy but then when I tried 140# I felt my one knee just bend slightly – you know – to help out.
B) 9 + 19 KBS with the 60#