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A. Overhead squat – Increase to a working weight of around 80-85% of your 1 rep max, and do 3 sets of 3 at that weight.

B. For time:

30 push-ups, then:

5 rounds of: 2 laps bear crawl, 20 jump squats

Then 200 single skips.

Jump squats may be scaled to air squats if need be, or if you’re feeling strong, try them with an unloaded barbell across your shoulders. If you do them weighted, your form must be spot on. No butt wink, no wobbly knees. No exceptions.

The Steinbach Run For Mom 5k/10k run is fast approaching, for those of you who are interested. Last year we put together a couple of teams, and it was a lot of fun. It doesn’t look like there is an official team category this year, but we can still be an unofficial team. Springs does appear to be making an entrance, however slowly, so we will get out and do some running finally.