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A. Take 10-15 minutes to work on handstand technique & strength – Some things to work on: side-to-side weight shifts, heel pulls, wall walks.

Finish off with 3 max effort holds (facing wall).

B. Take 5-10 minutes to work on your skin-the-cat.

C. For time:

30 wall balls

25 pull-ups

20 wall balls

15 pull-ups

10 wall balls

10 pull-ups.

Just a reminder that if you are using a band or bands for your pull-ups, we do NOT want you kipping. Get stronger first, then we can talk about it.

***I don’t know if this has been on anyone’s radar this year, but the annual Spring Fling (a CrossFit competition) is being held at CrossFit Regina on Saturday, June 21. There have apparently been two individual (male or female) and one team registration spots reserved for people from our gym. The spots will remain available until Sunday April 27th only, after which time general registration will open. Robin is going as a judge, and has offered to carpool if anyone wishes to go. 

Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in competing!***