A. Bench press – Take 15 minutes to work up to a 1 rep max.
B. For time:
Row 500 m
20 DB shoulders-to-overhead (35/50 lbs)
Row 500 m
20 DB cleans (same or heavier weight as the shoulders-to-overhead)
Row 500 m
30 push-ups.
The Airdyne (30 calories) is also an option if we are short on rowers.
Here’s a video of people doing ridiculous feats of bodyweight strength. I think my mind was officially blown at about 2 minutes in when the guy starts knocking out behind-the-back clapping push-ups… in a planche.
I did some parallette work mid-afternoon because I wasn’t sure what I’d have time for today.
A. 215 on the bench, then tried for 230 (5# below my PR) and failed about 2/3 of the way up, which was unusual.
B. I jumped in with the final 6 pm group for the met con, and finished in 11:10 (50# DBs).
Congrats on all the PRs today! Some of them were huge…10, 15, 20 pounds! Some were not so huge, but a PR is a PR.
So glad I came in today, after almost taking an extra rest day instead.
A. 157.5#, a 2.5 lb PR. I’ll take it…been trying to beat my old one for a long time. Also, been a lean time for official PR’s lately.
B. I don’t remember. 12 something? Used 35# DB. Good thing there were a bunch of us doing it as it was tough to keep up the intensity for so long.
Just want to say that it’s always a good thing when the recommended weight is posted because, honestly, I wouldn’t have taken the 35# weights otherwise for this workout and I wouldn’t have been quite as challenged.