A. Front squat – 8×3 @ 70%.
B. Pull-up strength – 2 max effort sets for reps each of the following variations: narrow grip, wide grip, chin-up grip (supinated).
C. For reps: 2 minutes of burpees. This should be an all-out sprint, so warm up well.
D. Mobility. Pick some area and do some work on it.
Burpees!!! YAY
I was thinking the same thing, Esther, except with a very forced smile on my face.
On the other hand, I like these 8×3 rep schemes for squats, so I had a genuine smile on my face when I saw that.
Giggle Colleen!!!
I finally had an all-round great day!
A. Done at 130#. Solid, and tried out my lifting shoes. Was able to keep the rest under 2 min I think.
B. Better than last time.
C. 33. I still can’t quite believe that. Was hoping to maybe get 30, so very happy.
Mara you tied me, I got 33 Burpees too. Way to go!
A) 205 for the squats. Over the 70% but it has been a while since I tested and this felt to be appropriate
B) Completed
C) 50…inspired by all the high numbers people put up all day.