A. Overhead squat – Work up to a heavy set of 3.
B. For time, 21-15-9 of:
Russian KB swings (heavy)
Compare to 23/07/2013.
C. 10 laps farmer’s carry with same KB as part B. Aim to complete this without setting the KB down. You can switch hands, but try to keep it off the ground. 10 burpees for every time you set the KB down.
Check this out. It’s a (very expensive) squat lamp!
Fun at the nooner today!!! Great job everybody!!
A. Worked up to 70#, a 5# PR!!
B. 8:52 I think??? I used 44# KB, and did T2B. Last time I did kness up, so did not PR my time, but I’m getting stronger! So I’m grateful!
C. Done….and my hands are REALLY done!
A: used 80# tried 85# twice and kept getting distracted on the 3rd squat and dropped it. I felt strong other than just losing concentration and getting frustrated with myself
B: 3:25 used a heavier KB this time and was 25 seconds slower but a win overall!
C: done no penalties
A. 75#, which is a 5# PR for me. I feel like I’m getting more comfortable with the OH squat.
B. 55# KB, knees up instead of T2B. 3+ minutes. I did this slower than a year ago.
C. No penalty! Yeah. I did not want to do burpees, so they were a good incentive to not put the bar down!
A) 85#
B) 3:29 with knees to chest and a 55# KB
C) completed without penalty