A. Back squat – 5×3 @70-75% (3 sec pause at bottom).
B. 12 minute AMRAP of:
15 Russian KB swings
5 (per arm) KB push presses/jerks (same KB if possible, but modify if needed)
30 double-unders.
A. Back squat – 5×3 @70-75% (3 sec pause at bottom).
B. 12 minute AMRAP of:
15 Russian KB swings
5 (per arm) KB push presses/jerks (same KB if possible, but modify if needed)
30 double-unders.
A. 120#
B. I did the double-unders!!! 44# KB swings and 25# DB push presses. Rounds – 3 + 45. That is 110 double-unders in one workout (plus all the singles in between). I am very happy!