A. Snatch – Increase to your working weight, then do 5 sets of the following complex: 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch + 1 snatch balance.
B. This is a day early, but in honour of a certain someone whose name begins with H, a rerun of last year’s b-day workout:
5 rounds for time of:
35 double-unders
7 shoulders-to-overhead (85/120 lbs) (scale weight to 70% of max push press)
5 front rack lunges per leg (same BB as above).
Compare to March 20th of last year.
**Note: Olympic weightlifting class is at 7 pm tonight. We are back to Tuesday nights next week.**
**EGGS: We still have 5 dozen in the fridge, so please pick some up if you’re in need of some pre-omelettes.**
The Hillary!!!