We had an awesome turnout for the Active for MS charity event, and we thank everyone who participated, and donated to this worthy cause. The final tally – 66 people made their way through the workout, and over $1500 was raised for the MS Society.
We had people out from CrossFit Niverville, CrossFit Sublime, CrossFit Top Notch, CrossFit Core K-Town, Starke CrossFit, and I think CrossFit Winnipeg. We also had a few new people trying CrossFit for the first time as well, so good on them for taking the plunge. We have a photo album up on Facebook, but if you haven’t seen it yet, check it out (link – even if you’re not on Facebook, you should be able to access the gym page). Photos are care of Jay Picklyk, who generously donated his time to capture the event.
A. Snatch – Work up to a moderately heavy weight and do 3 work sets of the following complex: 1 tall (pockets position) snatch + 1 mid-hang (mid-thigh) snatch + 1 hang snatch (top of kneecap).
If you are new, go through the technique work with a bar, then do 3×3 overhead squats at a moderately heavy weight (instead of the snatch work).
B. 12 minute AMRAP of:
24 double-unders
12 toes-to-bar (or variation)
12 hand-release push-ups (may be scaled up to dips (not hand-release obviously!), or down to regular push-ups if needed).
No eggs this week, sorry. The hens have gone on strike apparently.