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Skill work of your choice (or your coach’s choice), plus a conditioning workout from earlier this week OR an entire workout from earlier this week.


A. Overhead squat – 5×3, no tempo. Increase weight from last week. B. For individual times: 3 x 800 m run, resting 3 minutes between efforts. C. 3 sets, not for time: 10-25 GHD sit-ups 20 barbell good mornings (these may be lightly weighted for advanced...


A. Pull-up strength, working on a 90 second clock: Rounds 1-5: 30 seconds of pull-ups or hinge rows, rest 60 seconds Rounds 6-10: 15-45 second active hang, resting the remainder of the interval. B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 16 toes-to-bar 16 front rack reverse lunges...


A. Tempo front squats – 5×3 @ 65%, with a 32X1 tempo (same as we’ve been doing for the overhead squats recently). B. Alternating with a partner, for 6 rounds each, for total time: 5 D-Ball or sandbag cleans to over-the-shoulder 10/15 cal bike (sub...

27/05/2019 – Bring-a-Friend Day!

A. Close-grip bench press – 4×10@60-65%. Aim to have all or some of your hands inside the knurling on the bar. This position works the triceps a bit more than a normal grip bench press, and we’re doing these because, well, many of you could use some...