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A. Take 15 minutes to find your 1 rep max thruster.

B. For time, 4 rounds of:

50 double-unders

25 wall balls

15 toes-to-bar.

C. 100 GHD hip extensions. Partition as needed.

**Just a note of caution/common sense regarding the squat challenge — if you have existing issues (knee/hip/whatever), ease into this. Fixing a squat can do a lot of things, but it won’t fix everything.

***Tank tops – We haven’t had a lot of agreement thus far, so I’ll list off some other options people have suggested. Incidentally, the initial style was suggested because another gym had some shirts made in that style, not because of any considerations of material or technical characteristics of the shirt. We may end up just having people choose their own shirt and then have them printed. If anyone currently has any shirts they’d like to suggest or bring in as a demo, feel free.

Here are the other styles suggested so far: Bella lightweight flowy tank

Bella triblend racerbank tank. Keep in mind that the initial cost of the unprinted Bella shirts will be less than quoted on the website.

Reebok CrossFit bonded racer tank – A style like this may be difficult to source cheaply. There may be other brands out there that are more reasonably priced.